Pharmacy 53 - Supporting the Gisborne Community for 30+ Years
Our Services
Here at Pharmacy 53 we offer a wide range of services from women's, mens & children's health to having your ears pierced, passport photos or getting your next flu vaccination. We also provide sleep services and can even help you quit smoking.
CLICK HERE to view our instore services or book an appointment.
About Pharmacy 53
Pharmacy 53 owner Nigel Campbell is a passionate supporter of the local Gisborne community.
Nigel knows that locals need to have safe and reliable places to shop, work and get essential services. He has been instrumental in helping the local area to become a thriving success.
READ MORE about your local pharmacist Nigel Campbell and the Pharmacy 53 team.
See our top-selling products that are available online to CLICK & COLLECT
Health Advice
Our pharmacists and staff are great at pointing you in the right direction with a range of advice on things like Babies & Children, Cold and Flu, Digestive Care, Women's Health, Eye Care, First Aid and much more.